Freedom of the press: are we really free?

In the new age where we need to increase the freedom of information, it is surprising that the newspapers are still within the control of the few. 

The ideas and perspectives of the majority are subconsciously shaped by few numbers of people. We thought we are free, but our minds are shackled with invincible chain. This is a new way of colonization.

The editor and the owner’s bias or political inclination interprets the idea and the news. Most of the news is rejected due to non-conforming with the editors/ owner's view. News are reported based on this biasness and was not reported as it is.

News should be reported based on the facts and let the people to decide and make up their own opinion. Some news is rejected just because it was deem to be not newsworthy. Why must we let a few people to decide what is news worthy or not. Why must we let a few people to dictate and shaping our opinions?

In a democratic country, we need to democratize our news reporting.

What if there is no censorship in the writing of ideas and opinion. What if there is no such thing as news too small/ trivial to be reported. No censorship. No editing, the opinion and the news based on the facts, and facts alone.

We need to bring back the democracy of news reporting to the people. Let the people decide what news that they want to read. Let the people come up with their own opinion on the reported news. 

The right is not limited to the right to information but also the right to give the information.

Everyone should be the reporter and editor.

Lets harness the culture of self-correction. Let the people to be responsible in what they write. Let the people learn to be accountable with what they write.

Let us learn how to be responsible, to learn how to be a first world mentality.


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