How to package your products?

When I was in Japan, I took the opportunity how they conduct their business. I buy some goods and I notice that the goods are nicely wrapped before given to the customers. The goods not only nicely wrapped but also the packaging is attractive.

For example, if you want to buy bread, you look out of a deli. You can tell a deli based on the design and the color. The moment you enter the deli, the bread, cakes, and biscuit are nicely displayed. You can smell the aroma of pastries. The display makes it easier for you to make a decision of what you want to buy. If you buy a piece of cake, the cake will put in an attractive box. When you have made your decision, you can see that from the paper that wraps the bread or the cute little box that holds the cake to the paper bag gives the signal to your brain that the bread and the cake is delicious.

The design, the smell, the decoration, of the shop, and the packaging of the goods touches our senses. This give a nice and lasting experience to the customers or usually been termed in business literature as “customer experience”.

Now back to Malaysia. I have encountered many local products; especially start ups selling the goods online. From tudung to foods like cakes, lasagna, kek batik and so many products have something in common. Most of the products were poorly packaged. Most food products are boxed in a clear plastic container.

The most common reason is “I’m selling at a low price” and good packaging will make the product expensive. Then there is self acclaimed statement that as long the product is a quality product, customers will come back for more regardless of the packaging.

Recently, I was approached by one of my old friend. She is selling cakes based on orders. She gave me some sample for me to try. I sample a piece and it was great. My only comment was for her to experiment with a nicer and attractive packaging. I am willing to invest in her business and share the cost so that the cake can be nicely packaged.

Although I agree that a product must have a high quality, but it does not mean that the packaging is not important. In a competitive world, if you are selling lasagna on line, you are competing with thousand of other lasagna. How do you attract potential customers to choose and taste your quality product at the first place? After a customer had bought your product, how do make sure that the same customer will stay loyal with your product?

The answer is a “wow” customers’ experience!

You are selling your products to human. So take advantage of the human senses that influence their brain in making the decision to buy your products.

Apple products are great products. The company make sure that their customers has a wow experience from the moment they want to buy the product in the Apple Store, the packaging of the products, and after sales services. The whole process gives an awesome experience making the customers that they are special.

In a service industry, nothing beats Disney world in giving fantastic customers’ experience. Locally, I would give Cyberview Lodge Hotel & Spa a thumb up. The service is good and they give something extra. Not only the hotel room or seminar room were scented, the whole area of the hotel were nicely scented giving all hotel guess a pleasant stay.

Recently my wife bought a “Duck” scarf from a local company and I must say that I’m impressed with the products. What I am impressed the most is the way they put the scarf neatly in a beautiful box. Most of the time, when we bought a scarf, the scarf will be compressed in a plastic bag or a paper bag.  

When you package your products in an attractive packaging, you can set the difference between your products and your competitors. Your customers can easily recognize your products and it creates followers and loyalty. It gives a sense of pride to own your products. It will not be an embarrassment to carry your products anywhere. This turn out to be free marketing for your brand and products. Your customers are now subconsciously becoming your brand ambassador.

If your goods are nicely packaged, it will give a sense of pride for the customers to own your products. For the customers, they have something precious in their possession. People don’t mind paying extra for something precious do they? So, nice package means you can sell at a higher price.

My advice for serious startups, invest in nice packaging for your products. It cost more in the short run but it pays handsomely in the long run.


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