Fried Beef Shahrin's style

sometimes when you feel hungry but you too lazy to go out, it’s may be a good idea to just look at your freezer and see what you can cook. Furthermore, eating in is better than eating out. Cooking also can be a form of destress therapy and you can fill your tummy in the process.

So, last Sunday I was all alone and I need to eat something. There is slices of beef in the refrigerator and onions in the kitchen. I know I can make something out of these ingredients. 

I started by massaging the slices of beef with black pepper sauce and salt. Cut the onions, lot of it as I love onions. Heat the pan and put some olive oils. Put in the onions. As you can smell the onions, put in the beefs inside. For extra hot, put in some red hot chilli inside. Towards the end, you can put some chopped tomato. I don't have tomato so I have to make do with what I got.

Cook until the beef were tender enough and walla, you have Fried Beef Shahrin’s style.

Bon Apetit!


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